3°14ʹ02ʺN 75°10ʹ17ʺW 

The Tatacoa desert is another natural wonder of Colombia. The composition of the ocher and gray ground combined with the green of the cactus gives an unique sensation to its external beauty. Whether you are a lover of astronomy or not, la tatacoa desert is a well known destination for those seeking to obser- ve starry magical clear skyes.




Desert of Tatacoa Huila, Ecotourism Destination A STAR AMONG THE CONSTELLATIONS OF ITS HEAVEN


Sublime destination of ocher and gray tones. A wonder of nature classified as part of an ecosystem of tropical dry forest, located just 40 minutes from Neiva, the capital of the department of Huila. There, in the middle of the desert, there are different plans to stay, because curiously it has a luxury hotel infrastructure and comfortable hostels and inns in the desert and on the sides of the road to Villavieja.

The sun's rays that fully embrace the desert can exceed 45ºC at noon. At night, famous for its clear sky and the opportunities it offers to observe more than 88 constellations, the temperature drops on average to 18ºC.


Observatories of the Tatacoa

In the desert there are two astronomical observatories that receive tourists at night. There they explain the curiosities of the constellations and offer the opportunity to observe the stars up close.


Location in Colombia

This semi-arid region is located north of the department of Huila. The red part or Cuzco is 8 kilometers from Villavieja, while the Hoyos or the gray part of the desert is 17 kilometers from the town. Other outstanding areas are: Doche, Cardón, Las Lajas, Venta and San Nicolás.


Sedimentary rocks of continental origin

The area of ​​the Tatacoa Desert, constituted by an alternation of arcosic and conglomerate sandstones of yellowish-gis color, is represented geologically by continental-type clastic sedimentary rocks, as well as some fluvial and lagoon environments.


Red land

The reddish earth and the cacti that are stretched in the shape of a candelabra make up an arid and film landscape. It is the second most extensive arid zone of Colombia, after the peninsula of La Guajira.

The place is ideal to explore during the day and to stay and see the stars at night.


How to get to the Tatacoa desert?

After a forty-minute trip by road from Neiva to the north is the municipality of Villavieja. The Tatacoa Desert is located near the village, where the reddish color of the land and the particular shapes of the hills attract the attention of travelers. A perfect place for astronomy, in which the nocturnal climate and the free sky of artificial light are ideal to appreciate the sparkles that the constellations offer in the firmament. If you are interested in knowing this place ...



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